Sunday, June 16, 2019

When You Need to Be Your Own Hero

 Don't be a victim of victim blaming.

When people fail you, it is reflection on them and their inability to be the person they could be, not you.

The pain they cause you does not equate to your short comings, but theirs; their failure to live up to their potential.

It's so easy to take the pain personally, but more likely than not, the failure is exposing their insecurities and infallibility.

When you are facing real pain, try to look at it like an outsider looking in. Take your side immediately, you need to be your own  advocate for a moment, instead of your own enemy. It's so easy to fall for the trap of self deprecation and victim blaming. When you first experience that bitter betrayal though, remember it's unlikely you're the victim and the cause of your pain. No, there's a perpetrator, and it's not you. You are not the reason for others shortcomings.

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