Sunday, June 16, 2019

Teenage Angst

People suck.

They really do. Throughout the years, I'm reminded time and time again how much people can just be the worst. I'm becoming less surprised when I hear or see the worst. I may seem jaded, but I think I'm just informed. It's sad and I don't understand sometimes.

The good news though, is that we have a God who will never fail us. He isn't in the dissapointing business. He loves us perfectly and unconditionally. I promise you, at some point in your lifetime people will hurt you, maybe even bring you to your knees in shocking disbelief.

While you're there though, cry out to God. He wants you to talk to Him, wrestle Him, scream to Him, rely on Him, trust in Him. I have a tendency to rebel quietly in my heart when I'm hurt- towards God, towards everyone. I shut off as I process it. I may fume for a while and then it passes, while some bitterness hangs back.

NO! Don't be like me! Wrestle with God... Don't be silent. He wants to walk with you. When you hold back and fume, that does nobody any good. Cry out to our good, good Father and tell Him what you're going through (He already knows it).  What's better?- If your teenage daughter locks herself in her room, steaming mad or if your teenage daughter vents to you while you guys talk and work it out? She tells you how things aren't fair, she's sad, she's mad... But she's talking to you. She's listening to you, she's still having a relationship with you.

God wants your teenage angst! It's better than your silence and growing bitterness.

He is perfect. It's who He is. He is the one who will never hurt you. When people suck, allow it to be a reminder of our human sinfulness and to that, God's perfection and faithfulness.

Don't put your faith in man alone. Build your faith, trust, everything on God alone. That way, when man fails you (and he will) you'll at least have a pillar of goodness, a rock that can't be broken, an absolute in a world of uncertainty; the One who knows everything and is never surprised, is always good, and loves you with a love we can't even comprehend- that pillar will be our strength.

Don't we need one absolute in this life? I know I do.

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