Saturday, June 8, 2019

Is Our Mind Doing Things We're Not Aware of??

I saw this movie last night and I really can't tell you the title or the plot because based on what I'm about to say it would totally be a spoiler. The basic jist of it though is trauma and the coping mechanisms our minds do to escape the unbearable trauma. I always thought this was interesting.  In some extreme cases of abuse people develop DID or Multiple Personality Disorder. In other cases of extreme pain, trauma, guilt, if a person simply cannot bear to live with the pain of their reality they create an alternate reality. This got me thinking, if our minds do that in extreme cases of trauma, is there a slope? When we experience slight trauma or pain, do our minds somehow develop coping mechanisms that we don't even realize? I'm not talking about just checking out. I wonder if our minds develop a defense mechanism for us to cope with any level of pain that we aren't even aware of??

 I'd be interested in seeing if the Bible has anything to say on this matter too because I think it's the ultimate source of truth. There have been instances where the Bible blatantly stated something and then years and years later, recent studies or science come out with "mind blowing" revelations stating what the Bible has said all along. We should base our truth on the Bible imo, and then have studies prove what we already know, not vice versa. It would save a lot of time and money, just to learn the inevitable, that the Bible told us these secrets  about life all along.

 Anyways, anyone else intrigued by this thought? Could my mind be putting me in some kind of subconscious, alternate state  in some ways due to every day stress and pain? Doesn't it make sense that if your mind is capable of doing something so extreme when dealing with large trauma, that there would be a slope of some sorts?? Anyways, mind blown, thought I'd share. What do you think?

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