Sunday, June 9, 2019

50 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I'm the most introverted person I've ever met, but you wouldn't know it if you met me probably.
2. Watermelon, popcorn, and buttercream frosting give me migraines.
3. My favorite food is the Titanic Roll from Green Tea House.
4. I'm a little bit of a foodie, I love all different types.
5. I'm a little prideful of my music knowledge and taste. I credit that to the fact that I used to love listen to music in my room and work on creative stuff and I hung out with two music loving guys all in high school.
6. I almost majored in Interior Design, but was told by someone "only rich people are successful."
7. I hate horror movies and couldn't finish Stranger Things because I was too spooked, but I can watch any true crime doc in serial killers, evil crimes, etc
8. I used to want to be Olivia Benson in college and even dressed like her.
9. I don't cry at movies when others do.
10.  I've written several children's books and have done nothing with them. I'm not sure if I'm lazy or scared.
11. I used to want to be a truck driver when I was younger. I think I liked the idea of solitude and freedom... And big trucks.
12. I cannot think of one job that I'd be perfect for. My insecurities and self awareness are through the roof.
13. There has never and will never be a show as thoughtful and good as The Office.
14. I'm too sensitive for certain dramas. I found myself praying for the characters at night. 😂
15. I would probably try anything (almost) once.
16. I'm super anxious when it comes to heights and my kids.... Like this isn't a normal reaction, anxious.
17. I think I'm pretty funny, but will only crack a joke to very few people.
18. I didn't walk in my highschool graduation because I didn't pass math.. I think? I ended up finishing it in time, but they still didn't let me walk.
19. I once got out of school suspension for cheating on a test.... A religion test.
20. I've had prophetic dreams since I was little.
21. I also dreamed that Jesus came back to earth once... As a little girl.. that girl was me 🤣🤣🤣 I remember telling my sister and my mom and they thought that was the most hilarious, narcissistic thing. 😂
22. I break every phone I have. I literally have flushed a phone down the toilet.. not just dropped it in, but actually then proceeded to flush it. I got a military grade phone because I can't be trusted.... And I ran it over with my car.
23. I've only been in two relationships (besides the ones where you "go out" for a few weeks in middle school and then sizzle apart, without ever breaking up- I'm still in a couple of those to this day) 😆
24. I'm kind of embarrassingly, really into celebrities and pop culture. I am always in the know.
25. I am self conscious of my grammar and still don't fully understand when to add commas and semicolon, but try anyway 🤷‍♀️
26. I have Lupus, Hashimotos, PCOS, and chronic reactivated mono. So, when I'm having a mono flare I can spread mono. Most people get it once and the virus stays dormant in them.. not me! I get mono several times a year.
27. I dream of owning a boat, 4 wheeler,
RV... Anything that brings you outside.
28. I love the stillness and beauty of snow.
29. My favorite snacks (treats) are muddy buddies and chocolate pretzels.
30. I used to have a list of things I wanted to do when I was a mom. One girl was good at math and I asked her how she was so good. She said her mom made her do workbooks in the summer. I thought "wow, what a good mom!" Another girl had a braid in her hair that I admired. I taught myself to french braid in 4th grade.
31. I used to dream of touching a tree that has never been touched since it's creation. I guess I thought it might've been there since the beginning of time?
32. Im interested in the Hollocaust and how that came to be. How could a whole society become persuaded and perversed?
33. My face has felt like it was hot and burning almost every evening for years. I'm currently in a phase of it not happening, but I don't know the cause. I suspect it's either an overproduction of histamine or anxiety.
34. I'm allergic to my sweat. It doesn't happen all the time, but a lot. It will feel like bee stings and then I develop excema.
35. I'm allergic to an ingredient that's in most skincare and beauty products. I can't even use Dove or Cetaphil. I can use the $1 soap Jergins though. I actually wash with charcoal goat milk soap. My skin has never been better.
36. I hate when someone is chatting to a couple people and everyone loses interest. I always make sure to keep eye contact and encourage them to go on.
37. I was never a dog person till I met my soul dog 🐕.
38. I do not cuss and can remember only one time that I did.  My mom says I did in highschool, but I don't remember that and I remember that the one time I did it being a big deal so 🤷.  I'm very black and white personally on cussing, although I don't judge others who do.
38. I can't stand when people talk loudly near me. I want to ask them if they realize how loud they're being 😆
39. My husband and a few other close people call me Kate and I love that.
40. I take an absurd amount of selfies and I hate them all.
41. If my body wasn't all jacked up, I really think I would be playing basketball and I'd love to learn a back hand spring
42. I get stuck, my knee pops out and I get stuck where I need someone to pull my ankle out so it pops back in. It happens when I'm making the bed, in the bath, sitting on the floor. It's only happened twice in public and my kids or my husband were there. I've already had one surgery for it.
43. I'm very competitive and hate when people aren't. 😂
44. I hate scattegories and games like Catan.
45. I love the game Loaded Questions!
46. I hate talking on the phone and feel the need to fill in every gap of silence.
47. I eat really fast. My mom used to tell me to "breathe". I still devour my food and have to wait forever for my family to be done 😀
48. I used to dream of living in a box cart like the box cart kids. I'm still intrigued by small spaces and love walking through the Ikea rooms.
49. I can count on my hand the people I've actually, really connected with in my lifetime.
50. Writing is the only thing I think I have some talent in and even then I'm not really sure TBH. (I'm not fishing for compliments 🐟).

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