Friday, June 7, 2019

Taking Back the Asylum

Every summer I make a plan to try and steal my house back from the kids. It feels a lot like the insane are running asylum when they first get out of school. I felt like I didn't have time before school got out so I was playing a lot of catch up. The things I need to address are their hygiene, the time they get up, chores, and electronics. I might sound like big ole' micromanager, but yall they were waking up at 3:00 in the afternoon! It was like Lord of the Flies around here. So I made these cards, ordered some plastic to seal them, ordered lanyards and timers and tried to motivate their little butts to be productive members of society. I made cards for older and younger kids, so it may be helpful that I have chore ideas for the little ones to help that are age appropriate. 

It's been about a week or so and I'm here to tell you that against all odds, my system has... failed epically. 😄

I have gained no more control than before, only now I'm more annoyed that they have heard me and aren't doing what I told them to do. I feel like there is still hope though. I think the key is planning something fun the night before. So, for example I'll say if you get your cards done completely by 11:00 we'll go to Urban Air. I'm setting my alarm and I'll be out the door at 11:00 either to Urban Air or Hobby Lobby, your call. 😉

Anyways, at least they have lists of what is expected of them when they choose to listen. I feel like that's half the battle. I also made them each hygiene totes that have everything together including their own brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, dry shampoo, headbands, nail clippers, hair ties, face soap, and face cloths. My thought process there was "what can I do to not go crazy?". We have two floors and now the girls have phones that they like to plug their headphones into. Oh my gosh, it's my biggest pet peeve ever to yell from the downstairs to the upstairs and they are just going about their business ignoring me as I yell for them to get ready. You may be thinking "Why don't you just go get them from upstairs?" and to that I say "mind yo' business" 😄 I'm lazy, that's why. Seriously though, I despise this with every fiber in my being. I'm trying to convince Ry to move to a one floor. TBH, I also have some medical conditions that make going up the stairs burdensome at times. Until my dream comes true though, and for all intents and purposes of not murdering my children, I made them their totes so they can get ready downstairs too and they don't just go upstairs and "forget". So far, my youngest is the only one into the tote idea. 😂 Also, one other organizing idea I had was I bought them each their own fanny pack for chores and adventures. This way if they are doing chores and are wearing shorts with no pockets they can just put their phone in there. Also, for bike rides or trips we can throw a granola bar and water bottle in there.
I feel like there's still some hope that my plan will work and this may be totally wishful thinking, but I feel like once I get my house cleaned, it's going down! I'm going to be super mom with a clean house, non-smelly kids, etc. Oh, I also bought a new cook book which I heard was life changing because you cook once a week and it has the grocery lists for you! I'll let you know how that turns out because I need a miracle. Anyways, hope these cards work better for you than they did for me. I tried to post the cards to the link below so you can print bigger, better quality cards. Please let me know if you have any issues. 😊


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