Wednesday, June 5, 2019

So Good.- My Kind, Thoughtful, ISFJ Husband , an Exception to Mankind 🤣

This post may be a little cheesy. This one is a couple writings for my husband. I think I feel a bit hypocritical though because I definitely have written some not so flattering poems about him in my frustrations. I want to be real on this site, but at the same time I don't want to drag him and I want to respect him. It stinks though because I think two of them are the best ones I've done ever 😂 So, I just don't want anyone to think I'm only showing the best because I actually write the most when I'm frustrated. I think I wrote a few nice ones because I felt it was unfair that I was ragging on him, even just to myself ha. But, that said, he really is like no other. I'm super lucky to have him in my life and I feel like he's an exception to mankind lol. I always think it's funny when I give him some enormous, unattainable compliment, but I really do think that. I think there are very, very few people that have his integrity and are just good like him. I'm not! ha I actually get frustrated that he's always so optimistic. He plays devils advocate in anything negative I say... ever. I got used to it over time, but still comment to the fact every time he does it. My theory with why I'm so blessed with him is because God didn't give me easy kids. 😄 He knew I needed someone with like super hero integrity and patience to help me with them.

You Are Good.
You are good.
The kind of good
where you hear about people like you,
But will probably never meet them.
You aren't the most romantic,
You don't fill the need for adventure
My soul craves.
You won't be impulsive
And get a tattoo with me.
But you are good.
You are always faithful,
Always patient,
Always kind,
Always full of integrity,
Always selfless,
And you are good,
So good.
The best I've ever met,
There's few in the world
as good as you.
And I am so incredibly lucky,
to be loved by you. 
Object of Your Affection
I've had this beautiful dream
As far as I could remember,
Napping on a warm Spring day,
Lights turned off
You and I in bed,
Our skin touching
As we're curled up in
A soft, white linen duvet.
The curtains a few feet away
gently sway,
a warm breeze blows in,
The sun's rays perfectly hit
The center of the tussled bed,
Filling the room with natural light.
Distant sounds travel in,
People walking their dogs,
Children playing,
Birds chirping,
But in here it's just you, me,
the sun and breeze.
The room is clean,
I only see the bed, the window,
And part of the empty floor.
Peace, beauty, serenity.
No care, no worries, 
nothing to steal your attention,
For I am the object of your attention,
The object of your affection.

You Are My Everything

You are my cup of steaming coffee on a cold morning, while everyone's still sleeping.
You  are my cool sheets against my sun kissed skin after a long day in the sun.
You are my still, quietness in a snow covered night.
You are my lazy Sunday afternoon nap. 
You are my smell of roasted chestnuts as we walk through the streets of NYC. 
You are my warmth of a bonfire on a crisp, fall night.
You are my mountains peaking out of the clouds as we drive through Tennessee. 
You are my shooting star in a big TX sky night.
You are my first slice of pizza back in New Jersey.
You are my sunflower swaying by the distressed, country fence. 
You are my wonder in my children's eyes experiencing the magic of Christmas.
You are my Sheetz steak subs in our car, New Found Glory playing in the background, saying I love you to each other for the first time. 
You are my concert partner, when we are by far the oldest ones there. 
You are my stomach dropping each time our eyes make contact.
You are my drive to my wedding with my best friend, windows down, and the radio playing Going to the Chapel. 
You are my hand I hold as I go into labor and the eyes that stare intensely back into mine to help me get through each contraction.
You are my lullaby I sing as I rock my sweet baby to sleep.
You are my Titanic Roll in bed as we rush the kids to bed and take an hour to choose a movie.
You are my partner in wildly inappropriate innuendos.
You are my Jim.
You are my good book I just can't put down.
You are my  belly laugh where I can't catch my breath.
You are better than all my bests life could offer me.

You are my everything.

You Are My Favorite Part
If life was a story
I'd read every page,
But I'd keep coming back to you.
You are my favorite part.
Your page would be wrinkled,
Some letters faded away.
I'd have the words memorized anyway.
I'd read them over and over
To get me through the day.
They'd bring me tears of joy
And bring butterflies to my stomach.
I'd read the words as I go to sleep,
Wondering what I ever did,
to deserve such a gift.
I'd smile as I thank God for the story,
but especially your page,
Because you are my favorite part.

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