Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Trail of Glory- Short Story

New Post/ Post #3 Just for fun, motivational short story.

I looked for someone to blaze a trail of glory...
I squinted through the sun rays poking through the hooded forest. I looked through the maze of trees as far as I could see. The dusty view was bleak and desolate. I waited in expectation for someone to arrive. Then, I heard the sound of hope coming towards me. Quickly, I turned eagerly to find the one whom I've been waiting for. With a steep hault causing grass and specks of dirt to fly in every direction, a las, only loneliness and his companion despair stood in front of me. With a bit of forced conversation, we chatted, but I refused to be a third wheel. My aqcaintences parted and I was left alone, yet again. I slid my back down the tree and sat there on the cold ground, the bark poking my spine, as I waited for what seemed a lifetime. The silence was defeaning. When I couldn't take the silence a second longer in fear it'd steal my sanity, I finally accepted what I've always known. I never wanted to lead, but life has a way of restructuring the workforce and apparently it promoted me to tour guide. In silence, it handed me this destiny in a box, with no receipt. No further instructions were given. In desperation, I took one last look around me for anyone else to blaze the trail of glory, but again I found none worthy. In a perfect storm of dread and wonder, I got up, dusted myself off and lit a match.

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